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Molecular Structures - Biomolecules


Click on the following links to see structures of molecules found in biological systems.


 Click here to view a Jmol structure of the carbohydrate glucose.

 Click here to view a Jmol structure of carbohydrate sucrose.

 Click here to view a Jmol structure of the carbohydrate amylose.

 Click here to view a Jmol structure of the carbohydrate cellulose.

 Click here to view a Jmol structure of the amino acid glycine.

 Click here to view a Jmol structure of the amino acid alanine.

 Click here to view a Jmol structure of a saturated triglyceride.

 Click here to view a Jmol structure of an unsaturated triglyceride.

 Click here to view a Jmol structure of the neurotransmitter GABA.

 Click here to view a Jmol structure of the steroid chloesterol.