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Silver, Ag

The following structure represents a small portion of the element silver, Ag.

Click here to see instructions for manipulating this structure.


 Click here to return to the Metals webpage.


Photo of silver coins

State at room T and P - solid

Color - silver metallic

Uses - in solar panels, water filtration, jewelry and ornaments, high-value tableware and utensils, coins, and bullion; industrially in electrical contacts and conductors, in specialized mirrors, window coatings, and in catalysis of chemical reactions; compounds are used in photographic film and X-rays.


Do the following to manipulate the molecules in Windows.

Click and hold the left button and drag to rotate a molecule.

Shift + click and hold the left button and drag to zoom in or out.

Click the right button (or click the left button on the JSmol logo) to see the menu.

Shift + click and hold the right button and drag to rotate in the plane of the screen.

Ctrl + click and hold the right button and drag to shift in the plane of the screen.


Do the following to manipulate the molecules on a Mac.

Click, hold, and drag to rotate a molecule.

Shift+click, hold, and drag vertically to zoom in or out.

Control+click (or click the JSmol logo) to see the menu.

Shift + double click, hold, and drag to move in the plane of the screen.

Shift + click, hold, and drag horizontally to move in the plane of the screen.