Read the chapter quickly before the lecture that describes it.
Attend class meetings, take notes, and participate in class discussions.
Work the Chapter Exercises, perhaps using the Chapter Examples as guides.
Study the Chapter Glossary.
Study all of the Chapter 1 Objectives. You might want to write a description of
how you will meet each objective. (Although it is best to master all of the
objectives, the following objectives are especially important because they
pertain to skills that you will need while studying other chapters of this text:
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, and 19.)
Memorize the following.
Be sure to check with your instructor to determine how much you are expected to know of the following.
SI base units (Table 1.1) The four base units that you should know now are
For length - meter (m)
For mass - kilogram (kg)
For time - second (s)
For temperature - kelvin (K)
Metric prefixes (Table 1.2) The most common of these prefixes are
Prefixes for Large Units
giga (G) 1,000,000,000 or
mega (M) 1,000,000 or 106
kilo (k) 1,000 or 103
Prefixes for Small Units
centi (c) 0.01 or 10-2
milli (m) 0.001 or 10-3
micro (m)
0.000001 or 10-6
To get a review of the most important topics in the chapter, fill in the blanks in the Key Ideas section.
Work all of the selected problems at the end of the chapter, and check your
answers with the solutions provided in this chapter of the study guide.
Ask for help if you need it.